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Railway stations at Bari

Bari Centrale at the Piazza Moro is the central station of the national railway company FS (Ferrovie dello Stato) at Bari.
The general time tables of the FS are published online, on CD-ROM, and as books.

At Via Capruzzi there are two underpasses as entrances to the central station (see one in the picture right).

Between these two entrances nowadays most regional and long-distant buses are leaving.

The station of the Ferrovie Appulo-Lucane (FAL) offer transportation by train and buses to the region of Basilicata. The trains of FAL start from its railway station at the angle Piazza Moro/Corso Italia. The buses start from Via Capruzzi. Complete time tables are published at the station.
Short timetables, prices and contact information can be found here.

  • Ferrovie Bari-Nord/Ferrotramviaria S.p.a.
    Piazza Moro
    Tel. 080/5 213 577
  • Ferrovie Sud Est (FSE)
    Via Amendola 106/D
    Tel. 080/5 462 11