Useful telephone numbers

 Emergency  Tourist information

Gernal emergency: 113
Emergency doctor: 118
Police/Carabineri: 112
Fire/Vigili del Fuoco: 115
Automobile club (ACI): 116
Coast guard: 800-090090 Freephone from Italy
Enviroment: 1515

Ente Provinciale per il Turismo
Pizza Moro 33/A
70121 Bari
Tel. 080/5 24 22 44
[How to find]

Opening hours of museums etc: 1109

Office for Region of Puglia [Barint]

 Taxi  Train stations
Radio Taxi/Co.Ta.Ba.: 5 543 333
Taxi Radio Azzurra: 5 799 000
Airport Palese: 5 316 166
For others see newspappers/yellow pages.
National railway Ferrovie dello Stato (FS):
 Information (7 am - 9 pm): 147-888 088
 Airport: Bari-Palese, Airlines  Bus/Coach
Airport : 080/5 835 230
Alitalia: 147-865 641
Air Europe: 147-848 130
Air One: 147-848-880
Taxi Airport Palese: 5 316 166
Car rentals: see their
Urban buses:  
   A.M.T.A.B., Tel. 080/5 393 111
   Freephone from Italy: 800-450 444
A.T.S. (tickets for extraurban buses)
   Via Capruzzi 224, Tel. 080/5 562 446
Port/ Ferries Car and Car hire/rental
Port captain, Corso De Tullio
  - Tel. 080/5 216 860
Marittima passenger station
  - Molo S. Vito, Tel. 080/ 235 205
Automobile club Italy (ACI): 064477
Car hire:
  Freephone in Italy Airport office
080/5 316 168
Europcar 800-01 44 10 080/5 316 144
080/5 316 171
080/5 316 180
Sixt 800-018 668 080/5 316 176
Medical care  Public administration

Bari: 080/5 421 527
Red cross: 080/5 041 733
Serbari: 080/5 044 040
Drug-phone/Drogatel: 800-016 600

City of Bari: 080/5 771 111
Police/Polizia: 080/5 291 111
City police: 080/5 491 331
Citizen information: 080/5 238 335
Phones Night Pharmacies
- Telecom Italia
   International information: 176
- Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM): 119
- Omnitel, Customer care: 190

 De Cristo dr. Nicola
   Viale J.F. Kennedy 75
   Tel. 080/5 013 138

Lojacono di Berrino dr. Valeria
   Corso Cavour 47, Tel. 080/5 212 615
Dott. Chiriacò
   Via dei Mille 131, 080/5 426 216