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Phaseolus polytene chromosomes
W., Dept. of Biology, University of Kaiserslautern, Aug 1996
Polytene chromosomes
Polytene chromosomes represent a special structural organization of
polyploid interphase nuclei, which originate by repeated endoreduplication
cycles. A prerequisite for polytenization is the absence of any kind of
mitotic chromosome condensation during cell growth. Independent of their
species-specific structure, polytene chromosomes are characteristic of
terminally differentiated cells of high and specialized synthetic activity.
Although polyteny is best known from larval salivary glands and other tissues
in dipters, essentially the same nuclear organization can be found in many
different taxa throughout the animal and plant kingdoms (for reviews and
further information see below).
Although plant polytene chromosomes correspond to those of dipters
in respect to their development, genetic organization and function, their
morphology normally is somewhat different. Their banding pattern is poorly
developed, their degree of condensation varies considerably, and they are
- in most cases - not somatically paired. Their general appearance differs
between species, what can be primarily understood on the basis of different
species-specific structures of the diploid interphase nuclei (Nagl et al.,
1983; Nagl, in press). For reviews and further information
see below.
Polytene chromosomes in Phaseolus
In Phaseolus coccineus and P.vulgaris (and sometimes in
different other species), polyteny occurs in the basal giant cells of the
embryo-suspensor (review: Nagl, 1974). The suspensor, a short-lived differentiation
of the embryo proper, deals both as transfer system for nutrients and as
an organ of high sythetic activity, including phytohoromes (Nagl, 1985).
It develops early in embryogenesis and undergoes autolysis before the seed
In allmost all cells, the polytene chromosomes display a granular euchromatic
structure with some fuzzy bands, and distinct heterochromatic regions.
A clear banding pattern is found very rarely. It particularly occurs under
conditions of inhibiting transcription. Fig. 1 shows a banded polytene
chromosome of P.vulgaris in comparison with mitotic chromosomes.
Except the nucleolus-organizing chromosomes, the Phaseolus mitotic
and polytenic chromosomes are hardly distinguished.
Fig. 1. a) An in part banded polytene chromosome of Phaseolus
vulgaris cv. Hilds Marona. The plants were chilled bevore harvesting
to respectively 12°C and 8°C at a day/night regimen of 13/11
hrs for two weeks (Nagl, 1969). Fixed with ethanol/acetic acid (3:1),
phase contrast, 1500 x. b) Mitotic chromosomes from a root tip after
colchicine treatment. Feulgen, 1500 x.
kindly provided by Prof. W. Nagl
1996. |
Therefore, various additional methods, such as fluorescence in situ
hybridization, are now used to establish a polytene karyotype (Nenno et
al.,1993, 1994). Fig. 2 shows the idiogram of the preliminary polytene
karyotype and the localization of the ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) and phaseolin
genes used as molecular markers.
Fig. 2 Idiogram of the preliminary polytene karyotype of Phaseolus
coccineus. Hybridization sites of DNA probes for the 18S-5.8S-25S
ribosomal RNA genes (R) and phaseolin genes (P) used as molecular markers.
Foto kindly provided by Prof. W. Nagl 1996. |
- Nagl, W.: Banded polytene chromosomes in the legume Phaseolus vulgaris.
Nature 221, 70-71 (1969).
- Nagl, W.: The Phaseolus suspensor and ist polytene chromosomes. Z.Pflanzenphysiol.
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- Nagl, W., Jeanjour, M., Kling, H., Kühner, S., Michels, I., Müller,
T., Stein, B.: Genome and chromatin organization in higher plants. Biol.Zentr.bl.
102, 129-148 (1983).
- Nagl, W.: Chromosomes in differentiation. In: Advances in Chromosome
and Cell Genetics (Sharma, A.K., Sharma, A., Eds.), 135-172. Oxford &
IBH Publ.Co., New Delhi (1985).
- Nenno, M., Schumann, K., Nagl, W.: Mapping phaseolin genes to polytene
chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Annu.
Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. (BIC) 36, 3-4 (1993).
- Nenno, M., Schumann, K., Nagl, W.: Detection of rRNA and phaseolin
genes on polytene chromosomes of Phaseolus coccineus by fluorescence
in situ hybridization after pepsin treatment. Genome 37, 1018-1021
- Nenno M., Zink D., Nagl W.: Localization of different microsatellites
and a minisatellite-like sequence on polytene chromosomes of Phaseolus
coccineus. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. (BIC) 39, 245-246 (1996)
- Nagl W.: Polytene Chromosomes. In: Fukui K., Nakayama S. (Eds.). Plant
Chromosomes: Laboratory Methods. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 51-83 (1996).
Additional references
- Avanzi, S., Durante, M., Cionini, P.G., D´Amato, F.: Cytological
localization of ribosomal cistrons in polytene chromosomes of Phaseolus
coccineus. Chromosoma 39, 191-203 (1972).
- Durante, M., Cremonini, R., Tagliasacchi, A.M., Forino, L.M.C., Cionini,
P.G.: Characterization and chromosomal localization of fast renaturing
and satellite DNA sequences in Phaseolus coccineus. Protoplasma
137, 100-108 (1987).
- Forino, L.M., Tagliasacchi, A.M., Avanzi, S.: Different structure of
polytene chromosomes of Phaseolus coccineus suspensors during early
embryogenesis. Protoplasma 101, 231-246 (1979).
- Frediani, M., Forino, K.M.C., Tagliasacchi, A.M., Cionini, P.G., Durante,
M., Avanzi, S.: Functional heterogeneity, during early embryogenesis, of
Phaseolus coccineus ribosomal cistrons in polytene chromosomes of
embryo suspensor. Protoplasma 132, 51-57 (1986).
- Frediani, M., Cremonini, R., Salvi, G., Caprari, C., Desiderio, A.,
D´Ovidio, R., Cervone, F., De Lorenzo, G.: Cytological localization
of the PGIP genes in the embryo suspensor cells of Phaseolus vulgaris
L. Theor.Appl.Genet. 87, 369-373 (1993).
- Tagliasacchi, A.M., Forino, L.M.C., Cionini, P.G., Cavallini, A., Durante,
M., Cremonini, R., Avanzi, S.: Different structure of polytene chromosomes
of Phaseolus coccineus suspensors during early embryogenesis. 3.
Chromosome pair VI. Protoplasma 122, 98-107 (1984).
- Tagliasacchi, A.M., Forino, L.M.C., Frediani, M., Cremonini, R., Tucci,
G., Maggini, F., Avanzi, S.: Ribosomal RNA genes in Phaseolus coccineus.
2. Differential distribution of ribosomal cistrons and cytological localization
of various sized replication units in polytene chromosomes of embryo suspensor.
Cytobios 75, 137-147 (1993).
Reviews and further information
- Nagl, W.: Endopolyploidy and Polyteny in Differentiation and Evolution.
North-Holland/Elsevier Publ., Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1978).
- Sorsa V.: Polytene Chromosomes in Genetic Research. Ellis Horwood Limited,
Chichester, England (1988).
- Nagl, W.: Cell growth and nuclear DNA increase by endoreduplication
and differential DNA replication. In: Cell Growth (Nicolini, C., Ed.),
619-651. Plenum Press, New York-London (1982).
- Nagl, W.: Cdc2-kinases, cyclins, and the switch from proliferation
to polyploidization. Protoplasma 188, 143-150 (1995).
- Vázquez Nin, G.H., Echeverria, O.M.: The polytene nucleus in
morphological, cytochemical, and functional studies of messenger RNA transcription,
processing, and transportation. Eur. J. Histochem. 40, 7-16 (1996).
- Zhimulev, I.F.: Polytene Chromosomes. Morphology and Structure. Russ.
Acad. Nauk, Novosibirsk, Russia (1992) - in Russian.
- Zhimolev I. F.: Morphology and structure of polytene chromosomes. In:
Hall, J. C., Dunlap, J. C. Advances in Genetics, Vol 34. San Diego, USA,
Academic Press, Series: Advances in Genetics Incorporating Molecular
Genetic Medicine. (1996).
- Ammermann, D., Steinbrück, G., von Berger, L., Hennig, W.: The
development of the macronucleus in the ciliated protozoan Stylonychia mytilus.
Chromosoma 45, 401-429 (1974).
- Prescott, D.M., Murti, K.G., Bostock, C.J.: The genetic apparatus of
Stylonychia sp. Nature 242, 576-600 (1973).
- Cassagnau, P.: Les chromosomes polytènes de Neanura monticola
Cassagnau (Collemboles). I. Polymorphisme écologique du chromosome
X. Chromosoma 46, 343-363 (1974).
- Deharveng, L., Lee, B.-H.: Polytene chromosomal variability of Bilobella
aurantiaca (Collembola) from Sainte Baume population (France). Caryologia
37, 51-67 (1984).
- Beermann, W., Ed.: Developmental Studies on Giant Chromosomes. Springer,
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York (1972).
- Kress, H.: Polytene chromosomes: a general model for the eucaryotic
interphase state. Int.J.Insect Morphol.Embryol. 25, 63-91 (1996).
- Pardue, M.L.: Looking at polytene chromosomes. Meth.Cell Biol. (Acad.Press)
44, 333-351 (1994).
- Zybina, E.V., Zybina, T.G.: Polytene chromosomes in mammalian cells.
Int.Rev. Cytol. 165, 53-119 (1996).
- Nagl, W.: Temperature-dependent functional structures in the polytene
chromosomes of Phaseolus, with special reference to the nucleolus organizers.
J.Cell Sci. 6, 87-107 (1970).
- Nagl, W.: Polytene chromosomes of plants. Int.Rev.Cytol. 73, 21- (1981).
- Nagl W.: Polytene Chromosomes. In: Fukui K., Nakayama S. (Eds.). Plant
Chromosomes: Laboratory Methods. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 51-83 (1996).