Karyotype DB


About chromosomes and karyotypes

Online resources

  • Cytogenetic Resources - Images, Lectures/Courses, Karyotype online,Software/Internet, Cancer, Support Groups, Education Resources, FISH, Other
  • Primate Cytogenetics Network - resource for the collection and distribution of cytogenetic information on the World Wide Web. The primary objective of the Primate Cytogenetics Network is to collect and distribute digital karyotypes, ideograms, and primate images to assist scientists in comparative cytogenetic studies.
  • Human Chromosome Launchpad - This site is provided as a single-source launchpad to information about each human chromosome
  • Chromosome@net - Web sites for Chromosome Researchers
  • Virtual Library on Genetics - Links to many related resources.
  • Walking on chromosomes - Comprehensive description of the materials and methods used for cytogenetic studies. (Series "Webwatching" of Caryologia).
  • Tokyo Medical University, Genetics Study Group - Many images and animations of chromosomes and karyotypes and genetic topics for genetic education. Material about normal cases and chromosomal structural abnormalities.
  • progenetix - Collection of published cytogenetic abnormalities in human malignancies, mostly from CGH experiments
  • PolyChrom - Information about polytene chromosomes in general and plant polytene chromosomes in particular. Giving a short introduction about their characteristics, illustrating them in microscopic photos and displaying maps for some species.
  • Cytopix - The visual world of genetics for researchers, educators and artists.



  • Caryologia - International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics
  • Chromosoma - Articles on the functional organization of the eukaryotic cell nucleus
  • Chromosome Research - The International Journal for all aspects of Chromosome and Nuclear Biology


  • EMBL - DNA/Protein database of the EBI (UK)
  • Entrez - DNA/Protein database of the NCBI (USA)
  • Ensemble Genome Browser - Ensembl is a joint project between EMBL - EBI and the Sanger Institute to develop a software system which produces and maintains automatic annotation on eukaryotic genomes
  • PubMed - A service of the National Library of Medicine, includes citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950's. These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.
  • FlyBase - Drosophila Maps - Maps, chromosome location of genes and other molecular items
  • TAIR - The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) provides a comprehensive resource for the scientific community working with Arabidopsis thaliana, a widely used model plant. TAIR consists of a searchable relational database, which includes many different datatypes. The data can be viewed using our interactive MapViewer, and analyzed with our tools. Our datasets can also be downloaded for your convenience. In addition, pages on news, information on the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI), Arabidopsis lab protocols, and useful links are provided.
  • AnoDB - Cytogenetic data - Cytogenetic data of Anopheles gambiae, based on the cytogenetic map.
  • PlantSat - Compilation of plant satellite DNA sequences retrieved from public databanks (GenBank, EMBL) or from scientific papers.
  • Plant DNA C-values Database - Plant DNA C-values for Angiosperm, Gymnosperm Pteriodophyte and Broyphytes. (MD Bennett and IJ Leitch, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK)
  • Nucleic Acids Research Molecular Biology Database Collection (2005) - The Nucleic Acids Research Molecular Biology Database Collection is a public online resource that lists the databases described in this and previous issues of Nucleic Acids Research together with other databases of value to the biologist and available throughout the world.
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