Publications of Mario Nenno
Ph.D. thesis in Biology
Nenno, M. (1998) Charakterisierung der Polytänchromosomen aus dem
Embryosuspensor von Phaseolus coccineus L., University of Kaiserslautern,
Kaiserslatuern/Germany. Ph.D. thesis [german]. Library code: BIO 304/090.
Scientific publications
- Piergiovanni A.R., Nenno, M. (2001)
[ PDF ]
- ILCB: a web site about Italian landraces of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris
L.); Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 44: 178.
- Ceoloni C., Forte, P.,Ciaffi M., Nenno M., Bitti A., De Vita P., D'Egidio M.G. (2000)
- Chromosomally engineered durum wheat: The potential of alien gene introgressions
affecting disease resistanceand quality.
In : Royo C. (ed.), Nachit M. (ed.), Di Fonzo N. (ed.), Araus J.L. (ed.).
Durum wheat improvement in the Mediterranean region: New challenges Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2000. p. 363-371
(Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 40)
- Ceoloni C., Nenno M., Forte P., Vitellozzi F., Di Fonzo N. (1999)
- Isolation and physical mapping of durum wheat recombinants containing the
Lr19 and Yp genes from Agropyron elongatum. 9th International Triticeae
Initiative (ITMI) public workshop; 1999 Aug 25-1999 Aug 27; Viterbo, Italy
- Gortner G., Nenno M., Weising K., Zink D., Nagl W., Kahl G. (1998)
- Chromosomal localization and distribution of simple sequence repeats and
the Arabidopsis-type telomere sequence in the genome of Cicer arietinum
L. Chromosome Research 6(2):97-104. DOI: 10.1023/A:1009282828236.
- Nenno M. and Nagl W. (1998)
- The role of centromeric heterochromatin morphology (CHM) in characterization
of polytene chromosomes from the embryo suspensor of Phaseolus coccineus.
Abstracts of the 13th International Chromosome Conference; September 8-12;
Ancona, Italy. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 81; 1998: 144.
- Nenno M., Nagl W. (1998)
[ Fulltext
| PDF ]
- Identification of polytene chromosomes of Phaseolus coccineus on
the basis of centromeric heterochromatin morphology. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv.
Coop. 41: 105-106.
- Nenno M., Zink D., Nagl W. (1998)
- The Arabidopsis telomere sequence is highly abundant in the genome of Phaseolus
acutifolius and preferentially located in the centromeres. Annu. Rep.
Bean Improv. Coop. 41: 103-104.
- Nenno M, Zink D, Nagl W. (1997)
- Distribution of simple sequence repeats on Phaseolus polytene chromosomes.
Proceedings of the conferences: Current topics in Plant Cytogenetics related
to plant improvement; 21-22 February; Tulln, Austria. p 32.
- Nenno M, Gortner G, Zink D, Weising K, Kahl G, Nagl W. (1997)
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization with simple sequence repeat probes
in Phaseolus and Cicer. Proceedings of the Plant & Animal
Genome V Conference; January 12-16; San Diego, USA. p 79.
- Nenno M., Nagl W. (1997)
- Mapping and more: BeanRef , a reference collection for Phaseolus
and Vigna on the Web.
Exp Biol Online, Special Event 1997: Physical Mapping of Plant Chromosomes:
Aberystwyth Cell Genetics Group 7th Annual Conference. 8-10 January; University
of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK. p 31.
- Nenno M, Zink D, Nagl W. (1997)
- Mapping of minisatellite core sequences to polytene chromosomes of Phaseolus
Exp Biol Online, Special Event 1997: Physical Mapping of Plant Chromosomes:
Aberystwyth Cell Genetics Group 7th Annual Conference. 8-10 January; University
of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK. p. 32
- Nenno M., Zink D., Nagl W. (1996) [ PDF ]
- Localization of different microsatellites and a minisatellite-like sequence
on polytene chromosomes of Phaseolus coccineus. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv.
Coop. 39: 245-6.
- Nenno M., Nagl W. (1996)
[ Fulltext |
- BeanRef --
An electronic collection of refences about research on Phaseolus and
Vigna in the World Wide Web. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 39: 200.
- Nenno M., Nagl W. (1995)
- Characterization of polytene chromosomes of Phaseolus coccineus
by fluorescence in situ hybridization. 2nd European Conference on Grain
Legumes Proccedings, July 9-13 : 451.
- Nagl W., Nenno M. (1995)
- PHARIS, an integrated electronic database for Phaseolus. Grain Legumes
8: 7.
- Nenno M., Schumann K., Nagl W. (1994)
[ PDF ]
- Detection of rRNA and phaseolin genes on polytene chromosomes of Phaseolus
coccineus by fluorescence in situ hybridization after pepsin pretreatment.
Genome 37: 1018-21. DOI: 10.1139/g94-144
- Nenno M., Schumann K., Nagl W. (1993)
[ PDF ]
- Mapping phaseolin genes to polytene chromosomes by fluorescence in situ
hybridization (FISH). Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 36: 3-4.
- Nenno M. (1992)
[ PDF (1294 KB) ]
- Verbesserte Fluoreszenz-in situ Hybridisierung (FISH) durch Pepsin-Vorbehandlung
und Lokalisation von Phaseolin-Genen an Riesenchromosomen von Phaseolus
coccineus L. Universität Kaiserslautern. Diploma. 72 pp.
Oral presentations
- Nenno, M. (2007)
- Phaseolus and Internet. At the
Phaseomics V International Meeting, Varenna, Italy. 23-26 May 2007
- Nenno, M. (1998)
- Characterization of the Phaseolus polytene chromosomes. At the
Workshop: Cultivated plants cytogenetics, J.H. de Jong. 13th International
Chromosome Conference; Sep 8-12; Ancona, Italy. 1998
Computer publications and works
- Piergiovanni A.R., Nenno M. (2001)
- ILCB: a web site about Italian landraces of common bean (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.). Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop.44:178.
- Nenno M., Nagl W. (1996)
- BeanRef -- An electronic collection
of refences about research on Phaseolus and Vigna in the World
Wide Web. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 39: 200. [Fulltext as HTML
Computer programm: "PLOIDIE-HISTOGRAMM (PST)"
Category: Specific scientific data analysis
PST Manual (1992) (PDF, pp.21)
Newsletter: Computer & Netze in der Biologie
Published five editions between 1991-1994:
Edition no.1, 1991-10-01 (PDF, pp.2)
Edition no.2, 1992-01-14 (PDF, pp.3)
Edition no.3, 1992-06-09 (PDF, pp.2)
Edition no.4, 1993-04-23 (PDF, pp.2)
Edition no.5, 1994-12-12 (PDF, pp.2)
Project: Uni-Online
Project: Bio-Gopher Kaiserslautern
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